Unlock React.js Success: Avoid those 6 Antipatterns

After working on React for a while, it has been through a paradigm shift from class components to functions and hooks, the best practice is constantly changing. However, after research based on my learning from the comm


React Tetris with Zustand

Play Tetris Game Yet another React TetrisTetris was created in 1984, it is a simple game in which the player controls the falling “tetromino”, and clears them by combining tetromino into one line. It is one of the most


React Suspense and Error Boundary

TLDR: Suspend can catch Promise from children and render fallback until the promise is resolved. In React 16.6, React is adding the Suspense component that it can render fallback while the app is loading javascript or f


Announce apollo-reactive-store

State management in frontend is always a problem. Unlike backend, the state in frontend world is pretty fragmented. Not only the local state at each component, the remote state from API, also the global state that is sh


Let's build react.js

Recently React is growing to become the de facto standard for web components. And it is also pretty straight forward to learn and use React.

I recommand to start with the official website for documentations, also some examples on github and Todomvc

However, for people already know how to write React, they might still wondering why React is built in a certain way, like React DOM, state, how React update and manipulate the DOM elements.

For those who are curious, this article is going to rebuild React from scratch and create a workable basic React-like framework, by going through the logics in React source code. I hope you can understand how React works after reading this post.